Alwena Evans first became associated with the Church in Poyser Street then known as St. Michael's and All Angels In the late 1970's during the time that the Rev. Philip Owens was Vicar there. She writes, “My association began when I took my sons to Sunday school there when Mrs. Val. Williams of the Bowling Green public house was the Sunday school leader. A few months later, I too helped run the Sunday school along with June Mullock and Joan Rogers. In the early 1980's, during the time that the Rev. Gerald Davies was Vicar, the four of us were asked if we would join the Church choir; this was as far as I know, the first time that St Michael's had ever had female choir members. Soon other members of the Church joined us. We started off without choir robes, we wore our "Sunday Best" but Rev. Davies soon acquired some "cast off" robes, I think from the Parish Church. Mr. Len Dean was the organist at that time and choir practice had to be attended, if you had a night off Mr. Dean would want to know why? Those of us who were in the choir from that time remember him with great affection. My time in the choir was and still is a great delight to me. I've made some good friends, had some wonderful opportunities to sing in other Churches and Cathedrals alongside other choirs, and it has also given me a greater understanding, knowledge and love of Church music that I would otherwise not have had."
Story added by Alwena E
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