IN LOVING MEMORY OF CHARLES BATE. BORN OCT 24, 1810. DIED MARCH 31, 1881. ALSO ELIZA BATE, WIFE OF THE ABOVE, BORN SEP 8, 1815. DIED DEC 15, 1893 ALSO AGNES, DAUGHTER OF CHARLES BATE, BORN OCT 25, 1841, DIED DEC 22, 1888 MILLICENT FRANCES BATE. BORN MAY 5TH, 1864. DIED OCT 29TH, 1925. GEORGE BATE. BORN DEC 10TH, 1848. DIED JULY 6TH, 1935. Charles Bate was born in Marchwiel on 24 October 1810, his wife Eliza Davies was from Chester. They had married in 1840 and by 1841 Charles and Eliza were at the Union Tavern which was on the corner of Yorke Street and Mount Street. Charles was both a bricksetter and the inn keeper but he had founded the Union Brewery about 1840. By 1851 he was still in Yorke Street and a brewer employing 3 men. He had a 9 year old son named George. His daughter Agnes who was 10 is not listed. The Union Vaults was now occupied by John Thomas from Oswestry. In April 1857 the Union was advertised as to be let. PUBLIC HOUSE TO BE LET WITH immediate possession if required, the old established Public House called the Union Tavern (with spirit licence attached). The house is fitted up with every convenience and has an excellent business. Apply to Mr. Charles Bate, Wrexham. A Richard Evans had been a brewer at Charles` brewery but he announced he was moving in 1859. RICHARD EVANS, (LATE Of THE HOP POLE). WILLOW HOUSE BREWERY. BEGS to thank his Customers for the liberal support he has hitherto received and also begs to inform them that he has removed from the brewery he lately occupied, under Charles Bate, to his new and more commodious premises adjoining the Willow House. Farmers and the trade supplied with choice Ales, and Table Beer in Casks, from nine gallons and upwards The family moved to 7 Bridge Street by 1861, they stayed there for many years and son George also became a brewer. Over the years many Inns were advertised to be let both in and out of Wrexham , even as far as the Crown in Llandegla, applications were to be made to Charles Bate, Union Brewery, it looks like he had a thriving business. The Union Brewery became one of most successful in Wrexham as both Charles and his son were keen businessman. They owned many properties in the town. In 1871 Charles announced that his son George was becoming a partner in the business. UNION BREWERY, WREXHAM. CHARLES BATE BEGS respectfully to thank the inhabitants of Wrexham and the public generally for the generous support accorded to him as A BREWER FOR UPWARDS OF THIRTY YEARS, And to inform them that he has TAKEN INTO PARTNERSHIP, HIS SON GE0RGE BATE) With the hope that their united efforts will meet with as great a measure of public support as hitherto. The style and name of the firm will be CHARLES BATE & SON, And those who have hitherto honoured the UNION BREWERY with their support, may rely that every effort will be made to secure a continuance of their favour. UNION BREWERY, WREXHAM. August 1st, 1871. Charles died on 31 March 1881 at 7 Bridge Street, Agnes died there on 24 December 1888, she was 47, Eliza remained there until her death on 15 December 1893. In 1906 the Union Tavern had been rebuilt, and the existing building has the name Bents Brewery, Liverpool and Stone which was the company that took it over. George had moved to Rhostyllen by 1891 and was living at the White House. He married Millicent Mills later that year in Kensington. They moved back there and by 1901 the, had 3 children Nesta Beaumont 8, Mary Marjorie 7 and George who was 5, the family a cook a cook and a servant so were doing quite well. Millicent was from Boxford in Suffolk. She was the daughter of William and Bessie Mills, her father was a farmer They remained at the White House and by 1911 George had retired fom the brewery business. There was also another child Francis Beaumont Basil aged 4. Where the family went after this isn`t known but Millicent died in November 1925 in Colvill Gardens Bayswater, George died in July 1935 in Stanhope Gardens, London. They were both buried in the same plot as Charles, Eliza and Agnes. Researched by Annette Edwards. July 2019. Some images are from Wrexham History. Grave ref: Wrexham Cemetery C-00966
Story added by Graham L
Mynwent Wrecsam
Gwaith a diwydiant