My Great Grandfather Pte George Edge was one of the Fusiliers who in 1885 captured the "Burma Bells" one of which is in Caernarvon Castle Royal Welsh Military museum and the other is on open display close by the Wrexham Cenotaph near Chester Road. For this gallantry he was awarded a medal. On his death the medal was passed down to his son, my Grandfather, also with the name George Edge. My Grandfather had four children, all daughters, so being a traditionalist would not hand the medal to any of his daughters. He even called one of his daughters Georgina, but unfortunately never had a son. He decided to present this medal to the military museum at Caernarvon where it still remains today. I do remember a photo in the "Wrexham Leader" of him holding the medal before he donated it. I think the photo was sometime in the 1970s.
Story added by Gareth J
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